📄️ Adding new Organizers
When someone wants to become an Organizer, they either make that desire known to an existing Organizer, or via email to organizers@devopsdayskc.org. The addition of a new organizer requires a majority vote from existing organizers. If any existing organizer vetoes a proposed new organizer, the new organizer will not be invited to join. The preferred path to becoming an Organizer is as follows:
📄️ Organizer Agreement
DevOpsDays KC
📄️ Organizer Participation and Levels
📄️ New Organizer Onboarding
The goal of this process is to make it easy to onboard new Organizers to the team. This will be an ongoing, continuously updating document as more steps become known.
📄️ Squads and Leads
Below are the Squads and their responsibilities. Each Squad will have a Lead (i.e. point person), and at least one other member on the Squad except for Accountant, who will be one person.
🗃️ Operating Procedures
5 items