Sponsor comms
TODO: Put down how communicating with sponsors is handled for DevOpsDays KC.
Previous year sponsors
The following email can be used as a template to send to prospective sponsors.
Make sure you update the Subject, Sponsor Contact, and who it's from
Subject: DevOpsDays KC Returns in 2024!
Body: Hello [sponsor contact],
We’re excited to inform you that devopsdays is coming back to Kansas City in 2024! We had over 200 attendees in 2016 and expect to have even more in 2017. Your presence made a huge impact on the event and attendees, so we would love to have you back as a sponsor.
We’re still scouting for a venue and picking dates, however if you’re interested in returning as a sponsor, please let us know by responding to this email or by emailing organizers@devopsdayskc.org.
We look forward to hearing from you!
Best, [Sponsor team contact]