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New Organizer onboarding

The goal of this process is to make it easy to onboard new Organizers to the team. This will be an ongoing, continuously updating document as more steps become known.

  1. The new Organizer reads and accepts the following via the necessary form:
  1. The Onboarding form is sent to the new Organizer to collect all necessary information

  2. Once the Onboarding form is accepted:

  • Access will be granted to the following systems:
    • Access to Trello
    • Access to Google Drive
    • Access to Global devopsdays Slack and email group
    • Create/link + email
    • Added to DevOpsDays KC email lists
    • Access to all internal slack channels
  • Organizer will be added to the DevOpsDays KC Organizer list
  • Organizer will be added to existing meetings
  1. Send the new Organizer an email using this template

New Organizer email template

Welcome to the DevOpsDays KC organizing team { Person }!

We're excited to have you on board. What follows is a list of important links and information for you to have as we all work together to put on a great event for the attendees this year.

Important Links:

  • Conference-specific:
  • Our Trello board: { linkToTrello }
  • Our Google Drive shared folders:
    • Internal Drive: { linkToInternalDrive }
    • External Drive: { linkToExternalDrive }
  • Our Slack channels:
    • { linksToEachChannel }
    • Note: Access has been requested to the Global DevOpsDays Slack, and may take a few days to be provisioned

You've also been added to the following email lists:

  • Global DevOpsDays Kansas-City ( list
    • Note: this may take a few days to become active
  • DevOpsDays KC Organizer list
  • Specific lists for the Team(s) you're on

You have been added to the following regular meetings:

  • First Tuesday Night of the Month 6PM to 8PM, IN PERSON - 2 hours
  • Second Monday Lunch of the month 12PM to 1PM (Google Meet) - 1 hour
  • Third Tuesday Night of the Month: usually the DevOps KC Meetup week 5:30PM to 8:00PM
    • This is not required attendance, and you won't get a calendar invite, but a great time to participate in, and help grow, the community
  • Last Wednesday Morning of the Month: 8AM to 9AM (Google Meet) - 1 hour
    • TOTAL: 4 hours of potential meeting time every month

Please verify you have these on the calendar and let me know if you don't.

Organizer reference:

A PR ({ linkToGitHubPR }) has been submitted to add you to the event website. Once this PR is merged, you will show up on the event website Contact page.

Again, thanks for committing to be part of the DevOpsDays KC Organizing team!


{ personSigningEmail }