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Organizer Agreement

DevOpsDays KC

To be an organizer for DevOpsDays KC, a participant must agree to the following document.

As an organizer of DevOpsDaysKC:

  • I agree that the ultimate goal is to put on the best show possible on the days of the event
  • I agree to try to have fun and encourage others to have fun
  • I agree to be most excellent to the other organizers by:
    • Being patient, inclusive, tolerant, open, and helpful
  • I agree that I will update either Trello or Slack (or both) with the work I plan to do and the work I have done to be respectful of others time and minimize re-work or double work
  • I agree to present proposals for items that will cost money or have impact on attendee satisfaction
  • I agree to keep up on the updates to the best of my ability, but understand that myself and others will need to ask for the progress of certain tasks and through those conversations that new things will be uncovered
  • I agree to admit when things are not working on a specific task and ask for help rather than hiding it
  • I agree I have read and will abide by the DevOpsDays Core Organizing Guide
  • I agree I have read and will abide by the DevOpsDays KC Code of Conduct
  • I agree I have read, will abide by, and make better the DevOpsDays KC Operating Procedures through the agreed upon processes

Agreement is captured via Google Form which is sent to the prospective organizer.